Running The Risk of Missing Workplace Flu Vaccinations


Workplace flu vaccinations are resourceful programs that are implemented annually.

As the weather starts to cool down and the season transitions into autumn, the threat of a spread of influenza heightens for local communities.

Some organisations try and battle through these conditions in the hope that no one of importance will be struck down with the disease, whilst others try and think of a solution ahead of time.

The good news is that workplace flu vaccinations from Corporate Care are readably available for brands of all sizes and from all sectors, allowing them to take action and avoid the risks that competitors will encounter.


Higher Absentee Rate

Extensive studies have been carried out to determine the value of workplace flu vaccinations in domestic settings. Under some conditions they have found that certain businesses have seen an improvement of 35-40% in their absentee rate, a stunning figure that illustrates the value of the exercise. The lower the number of specialists and individuals on site, the greater the impact that absentee rate will be felt by the company.


Lost Revenue

Full-time employees have to be compensated if they have accrued enough sick leave. That is the investment that a business makes when their valued assets are not fit enough or in a healthy condition to be operating at their full capacity. Then there is the threat that their absence will create additional financial burdens, seeing others stretching themselves to fulfill their duties or leaving their role altogether as projects are delayed, orders are pushed back and customer’s queries and client concerns are left unanswered. Workplace flu vaccinations have to be paid for, but it will be an investment in the long-term health of the company.


Managing Sick Leave Entitlements

The HR department is placed under a lot of pressure when workplace flu vaccinations are overlooked because they are not entirely convenient for management at the time. As individuals take their own time off to organise their personal injections or avoid that and simply fall ill, they have to file for sick leave. That includes notifying their peers and employers, booking in for a doctor’s visit, filling out sick leave application forms, having those forms processed and then having an HR specialist oversee the matter. That entire phase is repeated for each employee that falls ill, providing a much better alternative with the use of these medical outlets.


Bad Company Image

In the age of social media, word will spread like wildfire when it becomes clear that an organisation has no time for the health and wellbeing of their employees over the profits of the here and now. It doesn’t take an expert in medical science or workplace law to know when a brand is mindful of their staff’s wellbeing and that is why the use of workplace flu vaccinations becomes advantageous for the image of the enterprise. No need to churn out empty marketing rhetoric about giving back to the community and being environmentally conscious when there is no diligence or care for the people who make the enterprise a success in the first place.


One Sick = Many Sick

Workplace flu vaccinations are not mandatory under certain conditions. If an individual requires specialist attention and they have their trust invested in a family GP, then that can be a suitable solution to receive the injection through that channel. The threat that companies face in this setting is simple – once one case of the flu has been registered then the chance of a spread throughout the departments amplifies significantly. It only takes one case of oversight for this scenario to play itself out. Outsourcing through a trusted and respected medical practice on site can ensure that this initiative is overseen by the entire organisation.