Reasons Why You Should Have Coconut Shell Candles

Candles are great for creating ambience, boosting mood, and relaxing. However, the wax from your candles may have serious consequences for the ecosystem and your health. The worst offenders are made of paraffin wax, but even soy wax has its flaws. Many people know soy and beeswax as clean-burning alternatives, but what about coconut shell candles? Coconut shell candles are the most eco-friendly option. To explain, these are the reasons why.

Environmentally Responsible and Derived From a Natural Process

The process of squeezing the oil out of the coconut flesh to generate coconut wax, which is then hydrogenated, results in the production of coconut shell candles. After going through a filtering and cleaning process, you are left with wax that is entirely natural and completely biodegradable.

Because it is a crop that can regenerate itself and has a high yield, much fewer coconuts are required to produce an adequate quantity of the end product. That fact alone places it among the top eco-friendly waxes available today. A very small amount may go a very long way.

A fun fact about coconut trees is that their lifespan may range anywhere from 60 to 80 years. It is referred to as the “Three Generation Tree” because of the fact that it can provide for and sustain a farmer, as well as the farmer’s children and grandchildren. That is just incredible, isn’t it?

A Steady and Moderate Heat

Because coconut shell candles burn more slowly than any other wax on the market, you will be able to enjoy one of your favourite candles for a longer period of time. Additionally, because coconut shell candles burn evenly, you will be able to enjoy the full benefits of the candle rather than being left with half of the product stuck to the sides of the container.

Incredible Olfactory Projection

Because fragrance and essential oils combine so well with coconut shell candles, the resulting product is one that elegantly and effectively projects odour.

What exactly do we mean when we talk about scent throw? It means that as soon as you light the candle, you are met with a powerful surge of fragrance that quickly fills the room. Additionally, since heat rises, the fragrance will continue to fill your house with your preferred aroma even after the candle has been extinguished.

Smokeless and Without Any Soot Buildup

Have you ever observed a mark that is beginning to darken or has already darkened in the same location where a candle is constantly lit? Well, we did. And the culprit here is paraffin candles, which, due to the toxins they contain, release minute soot particles into the air within your house and leave a soot mark behind on the walls. Not ideal.

You don’t need to worry about the possibility of carcinogens being discharged into your house or obtaining filthy walls if you use coconut shell candles since they are non-toxic, burn cleaner than any other wax, and produce zero soot particles.

It Does Not Include Any Genetically Modified Organisms

The abbreviation GMO stands for “genetically modified organism,” and although most modern fruits and vegetables have been transformed genetically in some way over the course of time, coconuts are one of the very few remaining foods that have not been altered in any way.

This means that absolutely nothing is added while creating coconut shell candles. Not even pesticides are used throughout the cultivation process since coconuts’ tough, protective surface naturally wards off pests and other animals.

It’s the Up-and-Comer in the Industry Now

We get to experiment with developing the greatest natural candles possible in coconut shell candles, which is an exciting opportunity since not many candle businesses have yet recognised the incredible potential of coconut shell candles.