Month: April 2021

Dairy Formula Versus Breastfeeding

Are you trying to decide between breastfeeding and dairy formula for your baby? This is one of the biggest decisions that a lot of new parent’s face. A lot of health experts recommend that babies are breastfed, but it’s simply not possible for all woman. Dairy formula can also be a decision that people make for a variety of lifestyle reasons, or in specific medical situations. For some families, the affordable dairy formula can make a great alternative to breastfeeding, providing babies with everything they need to grow.

A lot of mothers are concerned that if they don’t breastfeed, they won’t properly bond with their new baby, but in reality they still will. Feeding a child creates a strong bond, regardless of the method they are being fed.

The decision between breastfeeding and dairy formula is a personal choice. If ypou’re weighing up your options, read on below.


Breastfeeding can be a great experience for some Mum’s. It provides your baby with nourishment and is often a special bonding experience, a lot of health organisations recommend it because it can help protect babies from infection, allergies and other chronic conditions. Most health organisations will recommend breastfeeding for the first six months and is encouraged for 12 months. Some of the know benefits include:

Fighting infection and other common conditions

dairy powder in can

Babies who are breastfed are known to get fewer infections and are generally hospitalised less often. During breastfeeding, a mother’s antibodies pass into the baby to boost their immune system and helps the child to fight common infections like ear infections and respiratory infections. It can also help babies with issues like diarrhea and meningitis. It may also protect against, allergies, asthma, diabetes, obesity and sudden infant death syndrome.

Nutrition and digestion

Breast milk is generally thought to be much better for a baby’s digestive system because the lactose, protein and fat in the milk are more easily digested by the newborn. Generally, babies have a much easier time with digestion than babies who are formula fed resulting in less diarrhea and constipation. Breastmilk also contains some of the vitamins and minerals that babies need although this will need to be supplemented after the first two months with milk.


One of the main benefits of breast milk over dairy formula is that it’s free. This can lower the costs of raising a child considerably.

Dairy formula

Dairy formula is considered to be a healthy and nutritious alternative to breast milk. Many people will opt to use it instead because breastfeeding is painful or impossible for them. Dairy formula is often also much more convenient as it means that mother’s can easily feed their child at any time. It’s much more flexible which is great for working mothers who might need to leave their partner at home with the baby. Dairy formula allows people to fit their normal activities around the feeding schedule of the baby. This can be an excellent alternative when parents are facing common challenges like latching issues.

Making a decision

Deciding on how you want to feed your own baby can be difficult. It’s a personal choice and it might not even be one you can make before your child comes. A lot of woman will set their minds on one method until they have their baby and then discover that they change their minds, or don’t have the option to breastfeed. At the end of the day, it’s about making the best choice for you and your family. When making this decision it’s a good idea to speak to your doctor or lactation consultant.