Month: February 2021

Why ‘Brisbane Home Doctors’ Are Trending?

Brisbane home doctor checking a patient's blood pressure

Going to your doctor becomes a challenge when you aren’t allowed to drive anymore or have a chronic medical condition. As a result, you can miss out on your appointments and even the care you actually need. However, the latest trend of ‘Brisbane home doctor’ is making it easier for the patients to get the needed care right at their doorsteps.

How home health care and home doctors differ?

The home doctor services from Brisbane aren’t similar to home healthcare. As in-home healthcare, the doctor, nurse, or therapist is sent to your home to help you recover from an illness or an injury until you get better and become independent. On the other hand, home-based medical care is when you call a doctor or medical practitioner to your home for a visit along with their equipment to check you in case of a sudden illness. Some home-based medical care providers even bring their test equipment along to make the right diagnosis.

Benefits of House-call Doctors

1.    Reduced Hospitalization

One of the top benefits of house calls is the reduced costs for the payers such as Medicare. A study showed that patients that got home-based medical care required around 10% fewer hospitalizations.

2.    Saves Time and Resources

House calls save both time and resources. When an elderly patient visits a medical facility, a whole system and resources are needed to look after them until they get the care they need. On the contrary, when a doctor makes house calls for such patients, many resources are saved as well as the time of both the doctor and the patient. This is also convenient for young parents that have small children. House calls enable them to get their children checked according to their own timeline.

3.    Improved Patient Safety

House calls bring enhanced patient safety for the elderly as they don’t need to go out to get their regular checkup. The homebound population gets the medical care they need right at their home and don’t have to go through the difficulty of reaching a medical facility. Many elderly citizens get injured during their visits to the doctor. House calls reduce this risk and provide improved patient safety.

4.    Enhanced patient and physician satisfaction

Many doctors also prefer house calls as it seems to be the perfect antidote to nullify the doctor’s burnout. Physicians face huge challenges while providing medical care in a traditional facility. House calls help them look after their patients in their own way and style. As a result, both the physician and patient are far more satisfied.

5.    More Profitable for the Doctors/Practice

Medicare brings higher reimbursements for the house calls when compared to the in-office encounters. Also, people are more than willing to pay a premium to get their doctor to check them right in the comfort of their home with the rise in app-based house calls. The house-calls may seem to not compensate for the traveling time of the doctor, but they certainly reduce the overhead expenses to a great degree.

How to Find the right Home-based Medical Care?

All of the medical care providers and practitioners don’t necessarily make house calls. Large medical corporations usually provide this facility. However, sometimes a small individual practice may also offer these services. It is recommended to look for Brisbane home doctors by:

  • Ask your primary healthcare provider if they also make house calls or they might recommend someone.
  • Call your local hospital to know about their house call program.
  • Inquire your insurance company regarding Brisbane home doctors.
  • Search the internet for ‘Brisbane home doctors’ or ‘house call doctors in Brisbane’ in your area.